The Board of Directors at SHBR are voluntary positions. Equity members run and vote for three-year terms. The Board then elects an Executive Committee: President, Vice President, and Secretary. This is a working Board and requires some time and stamina from the members. Please contact us if you have interest in helping to run the club.

Board of Directors

SHBR is goverened by a volunteer Board of Directors. The positions below are defined in our governing documents. Each Board term is three years.

Role Name Term Ends Email Address
President Scott Woodworth 2026 board@shbr.org
Vice President Chris Enochs 2028 vicepresident@shbr.org
Vice President Aubrey Hess 2026 vicepresident@shbr.org
Treasurer Duane Morse 2026 treasurer@shbr.org
Secretary Samantha Parente 2026 secretary@shbr.org
Aquatics Eric Engstrom 2027 aquatics@shbr.org
Communications John Mechem 2026 communications@shbr.org
Facilities Andrew Bartlett 2027 facilities@shbr.org 
Information Technology James Wilkins 2026 it@shbr.org
Membership Michelle Major 2028 membership@shbr.org
Operations Michael Krasnow 2028 operations@shbr.org 
Social Olivia Devereux 2028 social@shbr.org 
Tennis Art Cook 2028 tennis@shbr.org

To volunteer for a future board position, please contact the Board President.