Racket vs. Racquet
The spelling racket is the typical way to spell the device used in net games like tennis. The alternative spelling is racquet. Racquet is more commonly used in sports such as squash and racketball. Even though most websites will tell you that racket is the correct spelling, the USTA consistently uses the spelling racquet.
Tennis Rules
The following rules apply to members and their guests using the tennis courts.
General Rules
- Courts are for tennis and pickleball only.
- No roller blading, ball playing, skateboarding, or bike riding is permitted.
- Proper footwear is required; no black-soled shoes, sandals, or bare feet.
- No bathing suits.
- Children under the age of 12 must be supervised.
- No glass is permitted on the courts.
- All trash must be carried out or placed in trash receptacles.
- Please roll down and tie umbrellas after use.
General Court Etiquette
- Do not walk across courts being used unless necessary, and then only when play has paused and players signal that others can cross.
- Never walk behind players who are actively playing. Wait for a pause in play and then warn that you are crossing.
- Keep tennis gates closed at all times (prevents animals from coming in and balls from going out).
- If all courts are in use, and players are waiting, limit singles use to one hour and doubles use to 1.5 hours.
Pickelball Etiquette
- If both Pickleball courts are in use, waiting players should queue up by placing paddles in the Next Up rack.
- If players are waiting, losing players/teams must rotate out and wait for the next opening to play again.
- If more than two players are waiting, only doubles play is allowed.
- If four or more players are waiting, limit games to 7 points.
- No standing or riding on the rolling nets.
- Stow the nets at the side and lock them to the fence when they are not in use.
- Scheduled team matches, club tournaments, and club mixers have priority over member play on courts 2-6.
- Pickleball players have priority of play on court 1, except when all other courts are in use.
- During prime time (weekdays after 5:00 pm, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays), members age 18 and over have priority play.
- Play is limited to 1 hour for singles and 1.5 hours for doubles when other players are waiting.
- Lessees are accorded full tennis privileges from Memorial Day Saturday through Labor Day Monday.
- However, tennis keycodes are only available to equity members.
- Paid tennis lessons may only be offered by the SHBR-contracted tennis professional.
- Paid tennis lessons may not be conducted on SHBR property by anyone other than the SHBR-contracted tennis professional.