Did you know the first SHBR Lobster Party was about 50 years ago? Member Fritz Hafner started tradition by bringing four lobster tails to roast at the annual SHBR Labor Day steak roast. He and his wife, Jacqueline, and another couple enjoyed their grilled surf and turf while others eyed their food jealously. The next year Fritz asked around and 18 people joined their lobster fest. The next year the event was changed to the official SHBR Lobster Party, which we now hold every year to close out the season.
When SHBRsters are looking for both a little more conversation AND a little more action, they need to look no further than their social calendar. Throughout the summer, SHBR’s social committee puts together a variety of fun, family events–from karaoke parties to float nights–to keep members entertained all season long. The annual Wine & Cheese party kicks off the new year and swim season ends with the traditional Lobster Party. In between there are bands, movie nights, potlucks, and luaus. But throughout the year, there are also tennis and pickleball get togethers, basketball tournaments, reduced price ticket nights to Caps and Wizards games, and if your friendly neighborhood social chair isn’t completely exhausted after Labor Day, a trunk or treat on a late October weekend. So check here often for updates!
Here are some of our regular events that we will be planning for the summer of 2024…
- Meet the Coaches
- Wine and Cheese Opening Party
- Mid-Summer Luau BBQ Progressive Party
- Basketball Round Robin Tournament with SHRA
- Band Night on Fridays
- Floats with Floats & Sundaes
- Movie Night at the Pool
- Lobster Party
- Trunk or Treat