Included in Dues
Like so many other things at SHBR, reserving a gazebo is at no additional cost to our members. Unlike many other clubs in the area, we do not charge members extra for using our shared spaces (just be sure to clean up when you're done).
We offset the costs of maintaining the gazebos by occassionally renting out the space to non-members when we are not in season.
SHBR Operations are the things that go along with the Club’s day to day activities. The Operations Director supervises the activities of persons hired by SHBR, including the Pool Manager, Facilities Manager, Guards and Snack Bar Vendor. SHBR ensures that hiring of pool staff is done fairly and follows all applicable laws. The Operations staff is charged with making sure our members and guests are following pool rules — so that everyone can have a fun and safe time at the Club.
Summary of Club Rules
SHBR club rules are written for the protection and benefit of all members, their families and their guests. They are designed to ensure the safe and sanitary operation of the Club facilities and grounds. All members and their guests must comply with these rules. While all members are joint owners of the facilities, each member is also a guest using the property of other members.
A complete set of the Club rules, the SHBR bylaws, and the most recent meeting minutes are reserved for members only and can be supplied upon request. Listed below are some of the more important rules.
While on the SHBR Grounds
- Animals or pets are not permitted on Club grounds.
- Speed limit for all vehicles on the premises is 5 mph – or lower if conditions dictate.
- Glass is not permitted anywhere on Club property.
- Gum, cigars, and chewing tobacco are not permitted on the tennis courts or within the pool enclosure.
- The smoking area is located in the parking lot by the flag pole. Smoking in the fenced area or by the entrance is not permitted.
- All members, their families and their guests shall respect the property rights of homeowners adjacent to the Club.
- Tennis attire and soft-soled shoes must be worn on the tennis courts. Swim suits are not tennis attire. Sport sandals are not appropriate tennis footwear. Shirts and tops are required attire.
Pool Usage
- No person may use the pools unless they are officially open and lifeguards are on duty.
- No lifeguards are posted at the wading (baby) pool. Supervision of children at the wading pool is the responsibility of the parents. Children shall not be left unattended in this area and parents must remain within the fenced wading pool area with their children. (A responsible person 13 years of age or older may substitute for a parent for this purpose.)
- Cleansing showers must be taken before entering any of the pools.
- Children not completely toilet trained must wear rubber/plastic pants over a swim diaper in the pool. No disposable diapers are allowed in the pools.
- Proper swim attire (bathing suits) will be worn by all those using the pools-including the wading pool. “Cutoffs” or similar clothing are not proper swim attire.
- The use of flotation devices (i.e. noodles, rafts, floats) is at the discretion of the manager on duty.
- Food or drink is not permitted in the pool or on the pool decks.
- Spitting or spouting of water or blowing noses, etc., in the pool or onto the pool desk is strictly prohibited.
Supervision of Children
- Before 6 pm, children under the age of 11 must be accompanied by a responsible person at least 14 years of age who exercises continual supervision over the child. If, in the discretion of the manager-on-duty, it does not appear that proper supervision is being provided, then the children and their custodian may be instructed to leave the facility.
- After 6 pm, no one under the age of 14 will be permitted into the facility unless accompanied by a responsible person 16 years of age or older.
- These rules do not apply when a child is entering the facility for a supervised activity. These activities include team practices, private lessons, camps and clinics and may include group activities at which a responsible adult is present in a supervisory position.