Did you know the first SHBR Lobster Party was about 50 years ago? Member Fritz Hafner started tradition by bringing four lobster tails to roast at the annual SHBR Labor Day steak roast. He and his wife, Jacqueline, and another couple enjoyed their grilled surf and turf while others eyed their food jealously. The next year Fritz asked around and 18 people joined their lobster fest. The next year the event was changed to the official SHBR Lobster Party, which we now hold every year to close out the season.
Event Sign up
Starting this year, we have moved our Social Sign Up to eSoft Planner. From the new system, you can sign up to join one of our social events, a swim lesson, or rent a gazebo — all from one place.
Click here to login. Then click on the big “Sign Up for Camp/Class” button to see the upcoming Social Events. From the next page you can choose to look over and Sign Up for the Social Events for SHBR.
We are always looking for musically-talented members to perform on one of our happy hours. Contact our Social Director at social@shbr.org if you know someone who might be looking for an audience.